Christmas Jumper Day

On Wednesday 11th December we will be organising a Christmas Jumper Day. This will be. Students are encouraged to wear a Christmas festive jumper or a red, green or any Christmas coloured top and jeans against a donation of 1 Euro.

Best Regards,

The School Council

Għeżież ġenituri/kustodji,

Nhar l-Erbgħa 11 ta’ Diċembru ser norganizzaw ‘Christmas Jumper Day’. L-istudenti huma mistiedna jilbsu jeans u flokk bit-tema tal-Milied jew kulur aħmar, aħdar jew kulur ieħor assoċjat mal-Milied flimkien ma’ donazzjoni ta’ 1 Ewro.

Grazzi bil-quddiem.

Dejjem tagħkom,

Il-Kunsill Skolastiku

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Pink October Day

On October 31st, our school held a Pink October Day event, with all funds raised designated for donation to Hospice. On the 12th November, the school handed over the donation of €310 to a representative from the organization. She expressed her gratitude, noting that the donation will greatly benefit various patients in need.

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To celebrate World Children’s Day, the School Council is inviting students to come to school on the 18th of November wearing jeans, a t-shirt/jumper (any colour) and sports shoes.

Thank You,

The School Council

Biex niċċelebraw il-Jum tat-Tfal ,fit-18 ta’ Novembru, il-Kunsill Skolastiku ssuġġerixxa li l-istudenti jiġu l-iskola libsin jeans u flokk kulur li jridu u sports shoes.


Il-Kunsill Skolastiku

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Bring and Buy Bazaar

After the success we had, our school will soon be organising another Bring and Buy Bazaar. You are kindly asked to send to school unwanted household items, toys, accessories, books etc which are either new or in a very good condition. The reusing of these items is in accordance with our school policy as an Ekoskola School. All items will be sold for reasonable prices. All profit from the bazaar will be used to buy new resources for the school.

Thanks in advance


The School Council

L-iskola ser terġa` torganizza Bring and Buy Bazaar.  Kulħadd jaf kemm matul is-snin naqilgħu rigali bħal affarijiet għad-dar, rigali, aċċessorji, kotba u affarijiet oħra u dawn jintrefgħu xi mkien u ma jintużawx aktar.  Bħala Ekoskola qed nissuġġerixxu li nirriċiklaw dawn l-affarijiet.  Jekk hawn min għandu xi affarijiet f’kundizzjoni tajba, jista’ jibgħathom l-iskola. L-affarijiet li jiġu miġbura, ikunu jistgħu jinxtraw bi prezzijiet raġenoveli.   Il-qligħ kollu ser imur biex jinxtraw riżorsi ġodda għall-iskola.

Grazzi bil-quddiem


Kunsill Skolastiku

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Pink October

On Thursday 31st October, our school will be celebrating Pink October. For this event, students are asked to wear jeans, a pink or white shirt/t-shirt and running shoes against a donation of 1 Euro. They can also wear pink accessories. The money collected will be donated to Hospice Malta, an NGO (VO/0062) providing free of charge patient-centered palliative care.

Thank you.

The Administration

Nhar il-Ħamis 31 ta’ Ottubru l-iskola tagħna se tiċċelebra Pink October. Għal dan l-avveniment l-istudenti huma mitluba jilbsu jeans, qmis/t-shirt roża jew abjad u sports shoes. Jistgħu jilbsu aċċessorji roża. Donazzjoni ta’ Ewro hija apprezzata. Il-flus miġbura ser jingħataw lil Hospice Malta li hija NGO (VO/0062) li tipprovdi għajnuna b’xejn lil pazjenti u famijari milquta mill-kanċer.



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On Monday 14th October our school will be having a Fun Fit Football ADHD Awareness Day. This is a unique program designed to raise awareness about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a fun and engaging way. Organized by the IFF and ADHD Malta, the program brings schools across Malta together for a simultaneous football activity across primary school in Malta. It’s about encouraging a sense of inclusion and understanding of students with ADHD. The activity highlights the importance of early diagnosis and intervention for ADHD, a common and treatable condition. By participating, students not only learn about ADHD but also experience the benefits of sports and physical activity for their mental and physical well-being. This collaborative effort extends beyond the students, aiming to raise awareness about ADHD within the entire school community and society at large. It’s a win-win for everyone involved, promoting understanding, celebrating differences, and highlighting the positive impact of sports and mental health.

For this event, on 14th October students are asked to wear an orange or white t-shirt, sport shoes and school’s tracksuit shorts. They can wear orange accessories as orange is the colour associated with ADHD Awareness.

Thank you.

The School Administration

Nhar it-Tnejn 14 ta’ Ottubru l-iskola tagħna se jkollha Fun Fit Football ADHD Awareness Day. Dan huwa programm uniku maħsub biex iqajjem kuxjenza dwar l-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) b’mod divertenti u impenjattiv. Organizzat mill-IFF u l-ADHD Malta, il-programm jgħaqqad skejjel madwar Malta flimkien għal attività simultanja tal-futbol fl-iskejjel primarja f’Malta. Dan jippromwovi sens ta’ inklużjoni u fehim għall-istudenti bl-ADHD. L-attività tenfasizza l-importanza ta’ dijanjosi bikrija u intervent għall-ADHD, kundizzjoni komuni u li tista’ tiġi mgħejuna. Billi jipparteċipaw, l-istudenti mhux biss jitgħallmu dwar l-ADHD iżda wkoll jesperjenzaw il-benefiċċji tal-isports u l-attività fiżika għall-benesseru mentali u fiżiku tagħhom. Dan l-isforz kollaborattiv jestendi lil hinn mill-istudenti, bil-għan li jqajjem kuxjenza dwar l-ADHD fi ħdan il-komunità skolastika kollha u s-soċjetà inġenerali. Dan il-programm jippromwovi l-fehim, jiċċelebra d-differenzi, u jenfasizza l-impatt pożittiv tal-isports u s-saħħa mentali.

Għalhekk għal din l-attività, fl-14 ta’ Ottubru, l-istudenti huma mitluba jilbsu flokk oranġjo jew abjad, sports shoes tal-iskola u x-xorts tal-iskola. Jistgħu jilbsu aċċessorji oranġjo peress li l-oranġjo huwa l-kulur assoċjat ma’ din l-okkajoni.


L-Amministrazzjoni tal-Iskola

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Klabb Nahla for Year 2

Children in Year 2 can benefit from 60.75 hours of intensive after-school/ before-school literacy support in a small group. The subsidised fee amounts to €123 for the period November 2024 until June 2025. Parents/guardians can opt to pay €23 in the first term, €60 in the second term and €40 in the third term instead of the lump sum of €123 at one go.

Three weekly literacy sessions of 45 minutes each.

1st term

Start date Monday 11th November 2024

Last day Friday 20th December 2024

15 sessions – 11.25 hours

2nd term

Start date Tuesday 7th January 2025

Last day Friday 11th April 2025

39 sessions – 29.25 hours

3rd term

Start date Monday 28th April

Last day Friday 27th June

27sessions – 20.25 hours

If interested please contact the school to be given an application. Places are limited and on first come first served basis.

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The R I G H T S Project

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Stationery Lists

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SuperT Awards

Our school, this morning celebrated the success of our students in the SuperT competition. This is an international competition organized for students aged 7 to 15. There were 11,000 pupils which participated at level 2 and our five competitors placed very well.

Nathan Attard, a P2.1 student landed an astounding 3rd place.

A big well done goes to the pupils, their parents and their teachers.

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