On Wednesday 11th December we will be organising a Christmas Jumper Day. This will be. Students are encouraged to wear a Christmas festive jumper or a red, green or any Christmas coloured top and jeans against a donation of 1 Euro.
Best Regards,
The School Council
Għeżież ġenituri/kustodji,
Nhar l-Erbgħa 11 ta’ Diċembru ser norganizzaw ‘Christmas Jumper Day’. L-istudenti huma mistiedna jilbsu jeans u flokk bit-tema tal-Milied jew kulur aħmar, aħdar jew kulur ieħor assoċjat mal-Milied flimkien ma’ donazzjoni ta’ 1 Ewro.
Grazzi bil-quddiem.
Dejjem tagħkom,
Il-Kunsill Skolastiku