Kindergarten – Activities and resources suggested by KGEs

Below is a list of daily activities that kindergarten children can engage in whilst school is closed.

Il-Ġimgħa 26 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

Illum wasalna fl-aħħar ġurnata ta’ din is-sena skolastika li kienet speċjali ħafna mhux biss għal dawk minnkom li din kienet l-ewwel sena tagħhom fl-iskola. Li hu żgur hu li kienet sena li ħadd mhu se jinsa. Ilkoll kemm aħna, minkejja kollox, tgħallimna ħafna affarijiet kemm fl-iskola u anke mid-dar. Fraħna flimkien meta konna niltaqgħu l-iskola u bżajna u inkwetajna flimkien meta ma stajniex niġu aktar skola u kellna noqogħdu d-dar ħabba l-virus. Tinkwetawx, għad jasal żmien li terġgħu lura lejn l-iskola. Hemm min se jattendi Skola Sajf u min se jidħol lura jekk il-Bambin irid f’Settembru.

Għalhekk, illum li se tkun l-aħħar darba li se nkunu qed intellgħu attività fil-website tal-iskola, nixtiequ li nwasslu l-messaġġ tagħna permezz ta’ din id-diska.

Għandkom ukoll storja li tistgħu ssibuha utli għal meta t-tfal se jidħlu lura l-iskola jew għal Skola Sajf jew f’Settembru. L-istorja jisimha, The Kissing Hand, miktuba minn Audrey Penn.

Hawnhekk għandkom craft li tistgħu tagħmlu mal-istorja. Grazzi lil Ms Emma Vella talli ssuġġeriet l-istorja u l-attività.

Saħħa tfal! Nawgurawlkom li tgawdu s-sajf flimkien mal-familji tagħkom!

Thursday 25th June, 2020

Wednesday 24th June, 2020

  • Watch Mrs Chambers’ class acting the story of The Very Busy Spider. Did you remember the story? Who wrote the story?
  • Can you re-tell the story in your own words? Here, is a fun sequencing activity that will help you order events and re-tell the story.
  • Watch and listen to the story again – Did you manage to re-tell the story in the correct sequence?
  • Now you can make your own spider. Your parents or your brothers and sisters can help you out. Have fun!

Tuesday 23rd June, 2020

Monday 22nd June, 2020

  • Today we are going to learn about spiders. Watch this video to learn more about spiders. Do you like spiders? Why? Can you describe a spider?
  • Now listen to the story – The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle.
  • What does the spider weave? Watch this video to learn more.
  • You can also try out this activity to strengthen your child’s fine motor skills.

Il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

  • Tħobbu tmorru l-bandli intom? Xi tħobbu l-iktar? Titbandlu fuq il-bandla?
  • Tiżżerżqu miż-żurżieqa? Jew titilgħu u tinżlu fuq iċ-ċaqlembuta?
  • Kelly illum se taqralna Frollu Jagħmel Ħabib Ġdid ta’ Saviour Sam Agius. Wara se tkantalna, Il-Bandla. Moħħkom hemm meta tmorru l-bandi!

Il-Ħamis 18 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

  • Tafu issemmu xi annimali li nsibu fil-baħar? Qatt rajtu xi qarnita, ħut tal-baħar, granċ, denfil jew kelb il-baħar?
  • Illum Miss Julie se taqralna storja jisimha, Karm il-Kelb il-Baħar ta’ Natalie Portelli. Ejja naraw xi ġralu Karm!
  • Tiftakru x’annimali ltaqa’ magħhom Karm? Liema annimal minnhom jogħġbok l-aktar?
  • Agħfsu hawn biex taraw xi krafts relatati mal-annimali tal-baħar li tistgħu tieħdu gost tagħmlu.

L-Erbgħa 17 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

Tuesday 16th June, 2020

  • Do you like cars? What colour is your dad’s car or your mum’s car? Can you see any cars if you look out of the window? What colour are they?
  • Let’s meet Kevin and Molly as Miss Julie reads this story about cars. It’s called Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom! and it’s written by Stuart J. Murphy.
  • Do you like playing with cars? Have you got any cars to play with?
  • These are some fun ways to do patterns. Why don’t you try some of them?

It-Tnejn 15 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

  • Illum se nerġgħu niltaqgħu ma’ Kelly li se taqralna l-ktieb, Fejn Hu Roki?, ta’ Sherise Zammit. Ejja naraw min se jgħin lil Niki biex issib lil Roki. Tgħid fejn se jkun Roki? Wara se nkantaw flimkien, Lela l-Kelba.
  • Jekk tridu, tistgħu tagħmlu dan il-kraft. Ħudu gost mexxu lill-kelb kif tlestuh!

Friday 12 th June, 2020

  • You can start by watching the story of – The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
  • The caterpillar changed into a beautiful butterfly. Do you remember the life cycle of the butterfly? (Here are some words that will help you: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly).
  • There are a lot of different butterflies. Watch this video to learn about the most beautiful butterflies on planet Earth. Which one did you like the most? Why?
  • Watch this video to create a butterfly painting. Your parents or older brothers/sisters can help you.
  • You can also use empty toilet paper rolls to create a beautiful butterfly (photograph below). Thanks to Ms Mariella Grech for suggesting this activity.

Thursday 11 th June, 2020

Wednesday 10 th June, 2020

Tuesday 9 th June, 2020

  • Do you remember yesterday’s story? What was it about? Can you tell the story in your own words?
  • You can watch and listen to the story again – The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
  • Now listen to The Very Hungry Caterpillar song. You and your family members can join in.
  • Today, we are going to talk about the feelings in the book. How did the caterpillar feel when he popped out of the egg? When he had eaten all that food? When he was inside his cocoon? When he emerged as a butterfly?
  •  Do the following activity to encourage fine motor skills – Take a string caterpillar for a munch around one nice green leaf made from a piece of card with holes punched in it (as shown in the photograph).

Monday 8th June, 2020

  • Do you know what a caterpillar is? Have you ever seen a caterpillar? What does it look like? What does a caterpillar feel like? Are they furry? Slimy?
  • First, let’s watch this animated story – The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
  • Now ask your child – What happened to the caterpillar? How did it turn into a butterfly?
  • If you want to learn more about caterpillars and butterflies watch this video about the life cycle of the butterfly.
  • Now you can do the following activity – Life Cycle of a Butterfly using Pasta. Try to remember these new words – egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly. Thanks to Ms Mariella Grech for suggesting the story and activity.

Il-Ġimgħa 5 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

  • Illum se niltaqgħu ma’ żebra jisimha Żuża. Tafu x’kuluri tkun iż-żebra?
  • Kelly se taqralna ‘Żuża ż-Żebra l-Kurjuża’, kitba ta’ Mark Zammit. Ejjew naraw ma’ min se tlaqqagħna Żuża.
  • Hawn għandkom issibu xi attivitajiet li tistgħu tagħmlu.

Il-Ħamis 4 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

  • Żinn, Żunn, Żann! Qatt rajtu xi żunżana? Ejjew niltaqgħu ma’ Kelly li llum se taqralna, ‘Żina ż-Żunżana‘ ta’ Danica Aquilina.
  • Tistgħu tippruvaw xi attivitajiet minn dawn li huma relatati maż-żnażan- Attivita’ 1; Attivita’ 2.

L-Erbgħa 3 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

It-Tlieta 2 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

It-Tlieta 2 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

It-Tnejn 1 ta’ Ġunju, 2020

  • Wara x-xemx u l-qamar illum imiss l-istilel. Qatt ħaristu lejn l-istilel fis-sema?
  • Ejjew nisimgħu lil Kelly taqralna, Qamrinu u Stellina, kitba ta’ Connie Agius. Wara l-qari se nkantaw flimkien Teptep Teptep Kewkba Ċkejkna.
  • Jekk tridu, tistgħu tagħmlu xi attività relatata mal-istilel minn dawn.
  • Tinsewx tħarsu lejn l-istilel qabel torqdu.

Friday 29th May, 2020

Thursday 28th May, 2020

Wednesday 27th May, 2020

Tuesday 26th May, 2020

  • Environmental print is the print we see everyday in the world around us in the form of logos and signs. Young children learn how to recognize this type of print first.  Recognising this kind of print is one of the beginning stages of literacy development.
  • Let’s have a look at this book – I Read Signs by Tana Hoban.
  • How many of these road signs can you recognise?
  • Now you can try out these environmental print activities: Matching Game; Puzzle.
  • Let your child make his/her own book of environmental print. Provide newspapers, magazines, safety scissors, glue, and blank paper stapled together. S/he can cut out familiar logos and symbols, paste one on each page, and read you his/her book.

Monday 25th May, 2020

  • Frogs are really cool! They can jump high, swim fast, and their skin is super slimy! Have you ever seen a frog? Watch it here and hear its sound.
  • Do you know how frogs grow? Let’s learn about the life cycle of a frog.
  • Frogs have some less-slimy, less-hoppy relatives that are just as cool: toads! Do you know the difference between a toad and a frog? Watch this to learn the big and little differences between these two types of animals.
  • Let’s sing Five Speckled Frogs together. Count along with the song using your fingers to show the number value.
  • You may now do this paper plate frog. Thanks to Ms Rita Craus for her suggestions.

Friday 22nd May, 2020

Thursday 21st May, 2020

  • Is it cold today? Is it rainy?
  • Have you noticed that it’s already getting more sunny and hot? Can you hear the birds? Can you see any flowers out of your window? Do you know why it’s not cold anymore?
  • It’s because it’s spring time. So, let’s sing this song about spring so that we will learn more about this season.
  • Now let’s see what Mouse did one windy spring day. It’s a short story called Mouse’s First Spring by Lauren Thompson.
  • You can now try any of these activities: Grow cress seed heads and letters – This activity will help children to learn how to take care of another living thing. They will also learn to investigate how plants grow and that they need light and water to grow. You can talk about growing from small to big, and make comparisons by measuring growth and height. Children can also learn to recognise letters from own name; Broccoli print – Blossom tree; Natural herbal play dough. Thanks to Ms Rachel Chant for suggesting today’s activities

L-Erbgħa 20 ta’ Mejju, 2020

  • Tfal illum ser nitkellmu fuq il-qtates. Araw dan il-vidjow fuq Bakku l-Qattus. Għaliex qam Bakku? Kif induna li l-ħut kienu kiluh? X’seta’ għamel Bakku biex jiekol ftit ħut?
  • Issa isimgħu din il-kanzunetta ħelwa li jisimha: Jien Għandi Qattus Ħelu. Tixtieq li trabbi qattus? Jekk għandek qattus, taf tgħidilna x’jismu?
  • Tafu liema annimal iħobb jaqbad il-qattus? Agħfas hawn ħalli tkun taf liema huwa dan l-annimal.
  • Issa tista’ tagħmel dan il-kraft faċli. Kemm għandu għajnejn il-qattus tiegħek? X’kulur għamiltu? X’isem ser ittih? Taf kif tista’ tieħu ħsiebu?

Tuesday, 19 th May, 2020

  • Although at the moment, we have to stay safe at home, it’s nice to think of what we can do or where we can go when things get better.
  • Have you ever been on an aeroplane? Where did you go? With whom?
  • If you have never been abroad, would you like to go on an aeroplane one day? Where would you like to go? What would you like to see?
  • Let’s imagine what it is like to fly in an aeroplane. Are you ready for take-off? Let’s fasten our seat belt, sing along and dance with Barney and Friends.
  • Would you like to join Maisy on a plane? Let’s read Maisy Goes on a Plane, by Lucy Cousins.
  • If you want to learn more about how aeroplanes work, watch this.
  • You can try any of these activities suggested by Ms Rodianne Spiteri Mercieca.

Monday, 18 th May, 2020

  • Watch the story –Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh. Encourage your child to count the mice.
  • What do you know about mice? Are you afraid of mice? Do you know that there are different types of mice? Some mice live in the desert, some live in fields and some mice can even hop!
  • Are you ready to sing this famous nursery rhyme?
  • Now you can do this counting activity that combines counting to ten with fine motor work and hand-eye coordination.
  • Why don’t you try out these mouse cookies? How many mouse cookies have you made? How many have you eaten? How many mouse cookies are left? Thanks to Ms Rita Craus for suggesting some of the activities.

Friday, 15 th May, 2020

Thursday, 14 th May, 2020

Wednesday, 13 th May, 2020

  • Do you like flowers? Where can we find flowers?
  • Listen to the story Plant the Tiny Seed by Christie Matheson to learn how a plant grows.
  • Now have a look around your house. Can you find a flower/ a picture of a flower? Ask your child: – the colour of the flower; to count the petals and leaves; are there more petals or leaves?
  • Are you ready to do a flower printing activity?
  • Why don’t you try out this flower sensory soup? Thanks to Ms Erica Zammit for suggesting the activities.

Tuesday, 12 th May, 2020

  • Show your child this rainbow and ask him/her to tell you what it is. Have you ever seen a rainbow in the sky? What colours can you see?
  • Let’s watch this. It’s a story called; A Rainbow of My Own, by Don Freeman. Do you know how a rainbow is made? Can you touch a rainbow?
  • Now let’s listen to this rainbow song and sing along with Bo Peep.
  • Why don’t you try out this simple Rainbow Refraction Experiment to teach your child about refraction of light and colour mixing!
  • You may now do these activities as suggested by Ms Angelique Schembri.

Monday, 11 th May, 2020

  • Vegetables and fruits are very healthy. They are like fuel for our bodies. They give us energy to run, play and grow.
  • Today we will talk about vegetables. Have a look at the different kinds of vegetables that you have in the fridge or anywhere else around the house. 
  • Talk about the different shapes and colours. Talk about the different textures and tastes.
  • Ask your child; Can you mention other vegetables that we don’t have at home? Which is your favourite vegetable? What colour is it? You may even find and discuss how their favourite vegetable grows.
  • Now let’s read about Oliver’s favourite vegetable and other vegetables in his grandpa’s garden. This story is called, Oliver’s Vegetables, by Vivian French.
  • Now let’s sing this song about vegetables.
  • You may do this activity as suggested by Ms Rita Craus

  • Friday, 8 th May, 2020
  • Today, it’s all about numbers and dinosaurs. First, let’s read the story How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague. After reading the book, invite the children to go on a hunt for the objects in the book and practice counting them just like the dinosaurs did.
  • Turn back to the beginning of the book and start with the first page. Ask the children what object the dinosaur has on that page. They will say a “teddy bear.” Ask how many teddy bears. After they come to the conclusion that it is one, they will start looking around the room for one teddy bear. Continue with each toy or item in the book. Refer the children back to the book to see where to go next and count out that many items.
  • Let’s help Rexy the Dinosaur count the animals that were at the zoo.
  • Now, Sing along to the song 10 Little Dinosaurs.
  • You can also try out this activity. Thanks to Ms Rita Mizzi for her suggestions.

  • Thursday, 7 th May, 2020
  • Are you ready to learn about sea turtles? First listen to the story – Myrtle the Turtle– by Jo Wright.
  • Did you know that baby sea turtles hatch from eggs buried in the sand? Watch this video to find out more about baby turtles.
  • Now it’s time to sing along with this song.
  • Do you want to do some turtle motor skills and movement? You can crawl like a turtle with a shell (use a foam mat or carpet square) on your back. Trying not to lose your shell!
  • Here’s a paper plate turtle craft that you can try out.
  • Here are some activities about a book called Turtle Day (written by Douglas Florian). Have a look at what Ms Rita Portelli did with her class during this scholastic year.

Wednesday, 6th May, 2020

  • Have you ever been to a farm? What animals can be seen at the farm?
  • Let’s visit a farm by listening to this story, Down on the Farm, by Merrily Kutner.
  • Would you like to sing a song about animals? Let’s all sing; Old MacDonald had a Farm.
  • Now you may do this craft by using toilet paper rolls. You may create different farm animals and you may discuss animals’ sizes, colours and what they like to eat. You can also stack them on top of each other and play bowling.
  • You can also create your own farm by using a plastic tray or a shoe-box. Put some corn, oats or cereal and some farm animals as shown in these pictures. Thanks to Ms Chantel Borg for suggesting these activities.

It-Tlieta, 5 ta’ Mejju, 2020

  • Kontu tafu li din il-ġimgħa hija l-ġimgħa ddedikata lill-qanfud (hedgehog bl-Ingliż). Qatt rajtu xi wieħed?
  • Tridu taraw u tisimgħu l-ħsejjes tal-qanfud? Arawhom u isimgħuhom hawn:
  • Ikklikja hawn biex tisma’ l-istorja ta’ Erin il-Qanfud, miktuba minn Natalie Portelli.
  • Araw issa kemm kien bravu dan it-tifel. Sab qanfud fid-dar tiegħu f’Għawdex u araw x’għamel. Prosit tassew lil Jonathan u lil missieru Federico!
  • Qatt rajtu xi tabella bħal din?
  • Importanti li meta tkunu għaddejjin bil-karozza fil-kampanja speċjalment bil-lejl, tgħidu lil min ikun qed isuq biex joqgħod attent għal xi qanfud li jkun qed jaqsam it-triq, għax faċli li miskin jintlaqat u jitgħaffeġ
  • Ejjew inkantaw waħda flimkien issa.
  • Tistgħu issa tagħmlu dan il-qanfud minn platt tal-karti mitwi fi tnejn u taqtugħ u tiżbgħuh skont kif jidher f’din l-istampa. Grazzi lil Ms Rachel Chant ta’ dawn l-ideat.

Monday, 4th May, 2020

Thursday, 30th April, 2020

  • Watch and listen to this story about a giraffe that could not dance. Do you like to dance? Can you do some dance moves?
  • Now, listen and move. Ask members of the family to join in the fun.
  • Are you tired? If you’re not tired here are some gross motor activities that you can do at home: – Don’t step in the lava; The chalk maze; What does it land on?; Newspaper throwing.
  • You can also organise a dance party with flashlights. Put on some music, turn off the lights and enjoy a dance session with flash lights. Thanks to Ms Marcette Calleja for contributing these ideas.

Wednesday, 29th April, 2020

  • Let’s listen and move to this song about shapes.
  • Show different objects and ask the children to tell you the name of the shape. You can also ask them to build shapes with different objects like straws, kebab sticks, pompoms, bottle caps, cotton and ask them to name the shape.
  • Now let’s read this story, ‘Shape Spotters’ by Megan E. Bryant. Let’s join Ms Carey’s class and look for shapes.
  • Are you ready to have your own treasure hunt like Ms Carey’s children? Let’s do this activity as suggested by Ms Marilyn Falzon.

Tuesday, 28th April 2020

  • It’s pizza time! Do you like pizza? If you do, read the story – Hi, Pizza Man!
  • Now it’s time to listen to the Pizza Song. Invite the children to recite the numbers whilst singing the song.
  • Do you want to make a cardboard pizza? Here is how you can do it. What shape is the pizza base? Do you remember the name of that shape?
  • Now it’s time to make your own pizza. Try to make is as healthy as possible by including a lot of vegetables. Yummy! Thanks to Ms Eliza Formosa for suggesting the activities.

Monday, 27th April 2020

  • Show a circle to your child and ask; What shape is this? Ask them to use their fingers to ‘draw’ circles in the air, on their knee, etc.
  • Let’s all sing the circle song.
  • Do you want to watch a story about circles? Here’s The Circle’s Boat Ride…
  • Ask your child to look for things around the home that have the shape of a circle.  Which is the biggest circle? Which is the smallest circle? Show other shapes and ask; Is this a circle?
  • You can also do this simple circle activity. Thanks to Ms Rachel Chant for suggesting these activities.

Friday, 24th April 2020

  • Today we are going to meet two young children, Hansel and Gretel. Watch this and let’s see where they went and what happened to them.
  • Now listen to this song about Hansel and Gretel’s story.
  • You may now do this craft as suggested by Ms Luana Zerafa. Enjoy, but try not to eat a lot of sweets!

Thursday, 23rd April 2020

  • It’s all about Teddy Bears today!  Ask your child – Do you like teddy bears? Do we have teddy bears in  our your house? Show me your favourite teddy bear, Why do  you like this teddy bear?
  • Now, watch this nursery rhyme.  Sing along and do all the actions.
  • Watch the story of Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears.
  • Let’s practice our counting skills with this Teddy number game.
  • You can also do this yummy activity.  Thanks to Ms Rebecca Axiak for suggesting the activities.           

Wednesday, 22nd April 2020

  • Today’s activities are about owls. Listen to the story, Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. Let’s see what happened to the three owl babies one night…
  • You may learn more about owls by watching this video.
  • Now let’s flap our wings and sing a song about owls.
  • Would you like to cook some yummy chocolate cakes? Here’s the recipe. Thanks to Ms Camille Camilleri for suggesting these activities.
  • You can also transform your empty toilet roll tubes in a family of owls. Here’s how you can do this.

Tuesday, 21 st April 2020

It-Tnejn, 20 ta’ April 2020

  • Kif intom? Nisperaw li minkejja kollox irnexxilkom tgawdu l-vaganzi tal-Għid mal-familji tagħkom. Issa li bdejna t-tielet term se nkompli ntellgħu aktar attivitajiet kuljum.
  • Ejjew nisimgħu u nkantaw ma’ din it-taqbila dwar l-annimali.
  • Issa nisimgħu lil Ms Nadine Camilleri Duca taqralna storja li jisimha ‘Ojnk Ojnk’ ta’ Trevor Żahra.
  • Tistgħu tagħmlu din l-attività dwar l-annimali ssuġġerita minn Ms Emma Vella. Użaw idejkom u żebgħa biex toħolqu ħafna annimali sbieħ.
Well done, Isaac & Martha Borg!

Tuesday, 7th April, 2020

Monday, 6th April, 2020

  • Sing the following English nursery rhyme with your child. When the number 2 is mentioned use your fingers to show the value of the number 2. You can also ask your child to count the birds-1…2…
  • Do you want to do some more counting? Watch this video and remember to count the animals.
  • Show your child how the number 2 is written. You may also do some of the following multi-sensory activities. Thanks to Ms Rita Mizzi for suggesting the play-dough activity.
  • You may also do this activity: Collect different object such as bottle caps, large buttons, animal crackers, crayons etc, etc. Write the number 2 on a sheet of paper. Then ask your child to place 2 bottle caps near the number 2. This activity can be repeated with different household objects.

Friday, 3rd April, 2020

  • Are you wearing any socks today? Are your socks soft? Are they striped? Or perhaps spotty? Are they colourful? What colour are they?
  • Listen to this song about socks. You may take off your shoes or slippers, show your socks and sing along.
  • Now listen to the story ‘Simon Sock’, by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.
  • You may now try out these fun activities suggested by Ms Angelique Schembri.

Thursday, 2nd April, 2020

  • Listen to this colourful song and sing along.
  • Now watch this video about sorting by colours.
  • Ask children to go around the house and find: 4 red, 4 blue, 4 yellow, 4 green, 4 orange objects. You can ask them to find objects in any colour you want.
  • You may now do this activity as suggested by Ms Josette Saliba.
  • Older children can also make this fun colour-matching game for their younger brothers/sisters.

Wednesday, 1st April, 2020

  • This is a song about shapes. Sing along and enjoy!
  • Watch this story to learn more about shapes. Help Little Star to find the right shapes.
  • Now look around the house and find objects that are in the shape of a circle, a square, a rectangle and a triangle.
  • Click on this link and do the activity as suggested by Ms Liana Dalli. You may ask your child; Can we make a circle with toothpicks, kebab sticks or paper straws? Why?

Monday, 30th March, 2020

Friday, 27th March, 2020

  • Let’s listen to this song about dinosaurs. Let’s all stomp, chomp and rhyme along!
  • Now listen to the story, The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar, by Russell Punter.
  • Do you want to learn more about dinosaurs? If yes, you may watch this as well.
  • You may also try some of these dinosaur activities forwarded by Ms Rita Craus.

Thursday, 26th March, 2020

  • Let’s watch and listen to this story. Whilst listening to the story you  and your child are encouraged to repeat the following phrase: Qażquż, qażquż, iftaħli!
  • Ask your child to look at this picture. Then, discuss with your child: How many pigs can you see in this picture?  Let us count them together 1,2,3.  Show me 3 fingers.  You can also show your child how the number 3 is written.
  • Make the following adorable footprint pig with your child.  Before drawing in the tail ask your child: How should we do the tail?  Why?
  • Do you and your child want to learn more about pigs? If yes, watch this video together. Whilst watching the video explain what it happening.  Afterwards, you can ask some questions: What sound does a pig make? What do pigs like to eat? 

Wednesday, 25th March, 2020

  • Hello! Today we’re going on a bear hunt. So, grab your binoculars and sing this song.
  • Now, listen to the story- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.
  • You can also watch this video. Let’s all walk, run and jump around the house.
  • Are you ready to do yoga? You may ask everyone in your household to join in!
  • Now you may try some of these fun and yummy activities. Thanks to Ms Mariella Grech for suggesting the links and the activities.

Tuesday, 24th March, 2020

  • During this time, it is never enough to stress the importance of washing your hands. Hand washing keeps you healthy and helps you to get rid of germs that can make you sick or that you might spread to other people. Sing the Wash your hands song with your child.
  • Now listen to Ms Nadine Camilleri Duca reading the story: I don’t want to wash my hands, by Tony Ross.

  • Click on this link and do the activity with your child. It is a great demonstration for reinforcing the importance of thorough hand washing.

Monday, 23rd March, 2020

Friday, 20th March, 2020

  • Sing this song with your child.
  • Use pasta or bottle caps to make heart shapes.
  • Count the number of bottle caps used to make one heart.
  • Try out this experiment suggested by Ms Samantha Falzon. Discuss with your child – What happened to the hearts? Why?