Complementary Education- Resources given by Complementary Teachers

Week 14- 22nd June- 26th June

Week 13- 15th June- 19th June

Week 12- 8th June- 12th June

Week 11- 1st June- 5th June

Week 10 – 25th May- 29nd May

Week 9 – 18th May- 22nd May

Week 8 – 11th May- 15th May

Week 7 – 4th May- 8th May

Week 6 – 27th April- 30th April

Week 5 – 20th April- 24th April

Week 4- 6th April – 17th April

Week 3- 30th March – 3rd April

Week 2- 23rd- 27th March

Year 1 and Year 2- Aqra dawn l-istejjer/Read these stories



Week 1- 16th -20th March

Year 1 and Year 2 – Aqra dawn l-istejjer

