K2.5 World Children’s
Ms E. Formosa
K2.5 Pink October
Ms E.Formosa
K2.1 Crazy Hat Day
Ms S. Vella
K2.3 Crazy Hat Day
Ms M. Calleja
K2.2 Crazy Hat Day
Ms C. Camilleri, Ms S. Pisani & Ms J. German
K2.8 Crazy Cap/Hat Day
Ms J. Shields
K2.4 and K2.5 Learning Invitations
Process Art is all about the making and the doing, rather than the finished product.
A collaborative art/play experience, set up in the school’s secret garden for our students to create, think and do. Encouraging the students to make their own choices, collaborating and honouring individual ideas and creativity.
A science-based activity that involved exploration, collaboration, turn taking, language development, lots of learning and fun. A welcomed activity amidst the heat of our last few scholastic weeks.
Ms N. Camilleri Duca, Ms M. Falzon
Ms D. Ellul, Ms F. Galea and Ms A. Sigona
K2.2 eTwinning Outing Activities
Ms C. Camilleri, Ms S. Pisani Zammit, Ms J. German
K2.2 Autism Day
Ms C. Camilleri, Ms S. Pisani Zammit, Ms J. German
K2.1 Autism Day
Ms S. Falzon, Ms S. Vella
K2.8 Autism Day
Ms J. Shields, Ms K. Zammit
K2.6 In the Garden
As we were in the process of learning about Nature, the outdoor offered a great opportunity for the children to explore the environment around us. Children were able to use both fine and gross manipulative skills as they worked diligently digging into the soil, carefully planting and watering. Moreover with the help of the Bee Bot, another activity took place outdoor in the Secret Garden. Children participated in this activity to reinforce better understanding how our beans and other plants grow. We ended the topic with a cooking activity, eating a healthy snack or lunch using our fresh beans.
Ms R. Craus
K2.5 Attivita’ tan-nanniet
L-iskola tagħna stiednet lin-nanniet kollha tat-tfal biex jaqrawlhom storja fil-klassi sabiex inqanqlu iktar interess fil-qari. Il-klassi tagħna kellna l-ewwel parti fejn in-nanniet qraw il-ktieb “Noli, Noli” li hi waħda mil- logħob li kienu jilagħbu huma meta kienu żgħar. Imbagħad tkellmu dwar logħob ieħor li kienu jilagħbu huma u fit-tieni parti kantajna taqbiliet qosra mill-ktieb. Taqbiliet li kienu jkantaw huma meta kienu żgħar ukoll bħal; Pizzi pizzi kanna, Dawra durella u Ż-żunżana ddur iddur.
Ms M. Falzon
K2.5 Out In Nature
And for once in a while our classroom has no walls, the magic of early years, unstructured, open-ended play, nature, fresh air, muddy puddles and the art of enjoying a beautiful mess.
Ms N. Camilleri Duca
K2.5 Project – Id-dinja tagħna
‘Our classroom is an entrance into our world’
Building the Big-Ben – which is found outside our classroom for local tourists 😉
Play plays part in the exploration of the dormant qualities. It gives our students a voice, empowerment, confidence. It teaches them collaboration, how to intellectually engage, observation, creative and social skills.
During this project the students were involved in research that enabled them to discover more about the world around them, cultures, how children like them live in other parts of the world, what they play, what they eat, how they live, weather, and a whole lot of other discoveries, including mathematical concepts and new vocabulary.
Ms N. Camilleri Duca
K2.4 Grow Green
What an experience!
Far from our classroom, where nature was their teacher. The excitement of being outside and engaging in messy play increased the children’s confidence, and learning. This was so much fun, and the children managed to tackle different developmental and learning concepts without even realizing it.
“Children still need a childhood with dirt, mud, puddles, trees, sticks and tadpoles” – Brook Hampton.
Ms M. Falzon
2.4 Healthy Week Day 2
Together with the children we discussed about why it is important to be healthy, what exercise we can do to stay healthy and we also mentioned what unhealthy things people do and children came up with different points on their own. The children had the opportunity to sort a box full of different food into 2 other boxes. The red one represent unhealthy food and the blue one represents healthy food.
Ms M. Falzon
K2.4 Healthy Week Day 1
We discussed about how we should be healthy. The first rule to be healthy is to keep bacteria/germs away from us by washing our hands regularly. We experimented how easy bacteria/germs transfer from one hand to another. Then we saw how important is to wash our hands with soap and not just with water.
Ms M. Falzon
K2.5 Book week celebration
Books should be celebrated always, however, throughout book week we explored ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’/ Ġakki u S-Siġra tal-Fażola. A week full of activities and challenges. Students were challenged to build a beanstalk using the classroom toys, planted 5 magic beans and re-enacted the story. Using old tablecloths, bedlinen, clothes and pegs the students created a beanstalk along the classroom floor. Reading in the sun, while enjoying the secret garden was also one of our week highlights. Lastly, with great team effort and support we put together a story map.
Ms N. Camilleri Duca
K2.1 Literacy week – Reading in the sun
Ms S. Falzon
K2.4 Our carnival floats
For this year, our class, kinder 2.4 came up with the idea to create a carnival float for each child, with used cardboard boxes. Children were given the opportunity to use their minds and their creative skills. Different materials were provided to our students so that they could decorate their float the way they wanted. Then we came up with a rhyme for our float.”Aħna l-kuluri użajna biex dan il-karru ddisinjajna. Kemm iġib ferħ miegħu l-karnival speċjalment għalina t-tfal!”
Ms M. Falzon
K2.5 World Children’s Day
Ms N. Camilleri Duca
K2.5 European Day of Sports
Ms N. Camilleri Duca
K2.1 European Day of Sports
Ms S. Falzon
K2.8 European Day of Sports
Ms J. Shields
K2.2 The Three Little Pigs
The story was read to the students and some simple questions were asked afterwards.
We used recycled and different materials to make the activities, like empty milk cartoons, straws, spaghetti, recycled coloured paper, playdough, loose parts such as lollipop sticks and blocks.
To create the three little pigs’ houses we used milk cartoons. The students had to paint the milk cartoon with brown paint and afterwards stick straws, spaghetti and rectangular recycled paper.
For creating the three little pigs stick puppets, I printed the template of the three little pigs and the wolf on rough paper. Then it was given to the students to colour with crayons.
One of the students was re-telling the story while the others were animating the story.
They also built houses with blocks, sticks and straws so that they could re tell the story with their own stick puppets.
In this photo the students are printing with blocks, straw and sticks to create a painting of the 3 little pigs. Students are doing some yoga sessions while listening to the song “Three little pigs”.
Ms S. Falzon and Mr A. Spiteri
K2.5 Peter Pan
The story’s name is Peter Pan; the kids mentioned Captain Hook and Pirates several times, so I decided to read this story in class. The kids were engaged during the storytelling as the big book seemed very appealing to them. During the story, I did some actions to help them understand more as the book was in English, and kids prefer Maltese storybooks. While I was reading to them, I showed them the pictures in the book. The kids were encouraged to step into the story together; this helped them understand the story more. To finish the activity as a whole class, they were given the opportunity to do a role-play. The following are some activities we did related to this book.
We had the opportunity to weigh a sack of potatoes to compare with the weight of a cannon ball. Another activity was balancing on a plank without falling into the sea like Peter Pan did when he was fighting with Captain Hook. One of the activities was a treasure hunt. In the morning, the kids found a letter from Captain Hook asking them to help him find the treasure before Peter Pan.
During homeschooling, we also mentioned the shadows. So, to understand what shadows are, I gave the kids the opportunity to do two activities. During the first one, they had to create shadows with their hands, and in the other activity, they drew the shadow of their favorite toy.
These activities encouraged the children to get more into the story and aroused their interest.
Ms M. Falzon
K2.5 Space
The theme was space as before Christmas holidays, when I was observing the children I noticed that they were mentioning rockets and when we used to count numbers in backwards they used to say blast off, so I decided to choose this topic. While I was planning , I was not 100% about it since it’s a little bit difficult for the kids to understand about space. But then When I saw that the children were engaged with this topic and showing interest we carried out lots of investigations about lots of facts such as the moon, galaxy, constellations, planets, comets and everything that relates to the universe. The kids learnt the names of all the planets and some facts about them and they also understood how we have day and night. Greater satisfaction is when I used to receive messages from parents that the children were giving the information they learned at school to their family at home. It was a topic full of fun activities where the children were able to gain lots of information throughout hands-on activities.
Ms M. Falzon
K2.5 School Peace and Nonviolence Day
Ms M. Falzon
K2.1 School Peace and Nonviolence Day
The little students in K2.1 had a discussion, “but Ms. Nadine what is peace?”, so we found a book and discussed … and we made art … blue for the beautiful skies and seas that surround us, white for it is the colour of peace.
Ms N. Camilleri Duca
K2.8 School Peace and Nonviolence Day
Ms R. Axiak
K2.6 School Peace and Nonviolence Day
Ms K. Ahar
K2.8 Autumn Celebration Day
Ms R. Farrugia, Ms D. Mallia