Christmas Plant Sale/ Bejgħ ta’ Pjanti

Dear parents/guardians,

In preparation for the Christmas season, we would like to inform you that the school would be having Poinsettias and Hollies for sale. The Poinsettias (pot size 15cm) will be sold for the price of €5 each and the Hollies (pot size 15cm) will be sold for the price of €10 each. If you would like to place an order, please send the exact amount of money to school with your son/daughter between Monday 14th November and Monday 21st November only. No orders will be accepted after the 21st November. The plants will be delivered after the 5th December.

Thank You,

The School Council

Għeżież ġenituri/kustodji,

Bħala attivita` għall-Milied nixtiequ ninfurmawkom li l-iskola ser ikollha l-Ponsjetti u ‘Hollies’ għall-bejgħ. Il-Ponsjetti ser ikunu jiswew €5 (pot ta’ 15-il cm) u l-‘Hollies’ ser ikunu jiswew €10 (pot ta’ 15-il cm). Jekk tkunu tridu tordnaw jekk jogħġobkom ibagħtu l-ammont eżatt mat-tfal mit-Tnejn 14 ta’ Novembru sat-Tnejn 21 ta’ Novembru biss. Ordnijiet wara l-21 ta’ Novembru ma jiġux aċċettati.  Il-pjanti ser jibdew jitqassmu fil-5 ta’ Diċembru.


Il-Kunsill Skolastiku

How to care for poinsettias

Grow your poinsettia in bright, indirect light, in a draught-free spot with a temperature of around 13-15°C. The most common problem when growing poinsettias is that the leaves wilt and drop off. This is a sign of cold conditions. Remember poinsettias are from Mexico and need to be kept at a minimum temperature of 13ºC, away from draughts (including near doors, fireplaces or single-glazed windows).Water sparingly, typically when the surface of the compost has started to dry out. Mist regularly to increase humidity and keep the colourful bracts looking their best for longer. After Christmas, feed monthly with a high potassium liquid feed.

How to care for Hollies

Most hollies prefer a site that receives morning sun, or slightly shaded. They need a moist, but well drained soil, enriched with lots of organic matter. They will grow in most soil types. The holly is an evergreen small tree or large shrub with spiny, dark green, lustrous leaves and grey bark. Seedless red berries borne in profusion are attractive in winter. Should be protected from sun in hot, dry areas. Prefers acid soil.

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