Dinja Waħda

Dinja Wahda

The Aim:

Dinja Waħda is an educational initiative co-ordinated by BirdLife Malta.  Dinja Waħda works exclusively in primary schools and its main commitment is to instil in children and their teachers  a sense of responsibility towards the natural world.  Through Dinja Waħda activities pupils are also made aware of people’s impact on the environment.

Dinja Waħda’s educational programme is presented in an Action Guide that contains 30 green activities.  In our school all the classroom teachers and kindergarten assistants were invited to choose a particular activity that they would like to carry out.  Apart from introducing our pupils to the Maltese flora and fauna such activities will  also  teach the children how to protect the environment.

For each activity carried out, our school is awarded points.  During the last scholastic year our teachers, kindergarten assistants and pupils joined in a team effort and produced a range of activities that covered different skills and interests.    Since our school worked very hard we were awarded The Gold Award which is the most prestigious award a school can obtain.

 Zabbar A has managed to obtain 5 consecutive Gold Awards during the last five years and thus we were also awarded the Blue Banner Award.

Spring – Ms Caruana – K1.3

Fun Walk at Xrobb l-Għaġin – Ms Portelli – K1.7



What is being done:

2014-2015: - The pupils in class 2.2 together with Ms L. Ebejer (LSA), Ms A.M. Segona (LSA) and Ms I. Farrugia (Teacher) found out useful information about the poppy.  This information was then displayed on the notice board.

2014-2015: – The pupils in class 2.2 together with Ms L. Ebejer (LSA), Ms A.M. Segona (LSA) and Ms I. Farrugia (Teacher) found out useful information about the poppy. This information was then displayed on the notice board.

The following is a  picture of our school display.  This display contains relevant information about the work being carried out by the pupils.

2013-2014:  The following is a picture of our school display. This display contains relevant information about the work being carried out by the pupils.

The pupils of year 2.3 together with their class teacher  Ms I. Farrugia worked on an activity that promoted awareness about robins.  First, the pupils were told a story about robins.  Then they discussed the cruelty involved in trapping robins.  Finally, the pupils were encouraged to make cuddly pompom robins by making use of wool.

The pupils being given information about robins.

The pupils being given information about robins.


Ms Isabelle Farrugia

Dinja Waħda Co-ordinator



Walk the Talk – Dear Minister Activity

A Change in the Dinja Waħda noticeboard

Kabbar Siġra Award


Classroom Activities Scholastic Year 2014-2015